Device that tricks taste buds ‘could encourage healthier food choices’


Thursday, October 13, 2016

This could be the invention we have all been waiting for… a device that tricks the tongue and could be used to turn the most unappetising healthy food into your favourite treats, scientists say.

Device that tricks taste buds

Yes that’s right, broccoli and kale could taste like chocolate and ice cream.

The Taste Buddy emits thermal and electric signals that stimulate the taste buds when placed in the mouth.(Professor Adrian Cheok/Press Association Images)

While the early prototype is restricted to imitating sweet or salty tastes, future versions have the potential to completely alter our diets – for instance, by transforming bland tofu into juicy steak, using natural plants like hemp from or conjuring up chocolate broccoli, it is claimed. Basically #winning.

Professor Adrian Cheok, from City, University of London, who led the team of scientists and engineers that created the device said: “What started out as a fun engineering experiment has now led to something much more exciting with the potential to have a positive social impact.

“The Taste Buddy could eventually help save lives, by allowing people to switch to healthier food choices.”

He added: “Many children hate the taste of vegetables. So I knew that when I became an engineer, I wanted to make a device that could allow children to eat vegetables that taste like chocolate.”(Gabe Hernandez/AP)

What if all our vegetables tasted of chocolate? (Gabe Hernandez/AP)

In its current early form the Taste Buddy consists of a 2cm wide tab that sits on the tongue and is wired to a bulky processor.

To enhance sweetness, the device warms up very rapidly and stimulates specific taste receptors that react to heat.

A weak electric current is used to target other taste buds responsible for salty flavours.

Members of the public will have a chance to try out the Taste Buddy for themselves at The Big Bang UK Young Scientists and Engineers Fair.

The event, aimed at young people interested in science, technology and engineering, takes place from March 15 to 18 at the National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham.

Five innovations presented at the Technical Faculty of Novi Sad University


U četvrtak 1. septembra, na Tehničkom fakultetu ˝Mihajlo Pupin˝održano je predavanje na temu korišćenja interneta u budućnosti i inovacijama u njegovom korišćenju.


Na ovu temu, govorio je direktor i osnivač kompanije ˝Mixed Realty Lab˝ i profesor univerziteta iz Londona, Adrian David Cheok, jedan od prvih ljudi koji su među prvima počeli da koriste i istražuju ˝proširenu stvarnost˝.

Pored predavanja o proširenoj stvarnosti, Cheok je takođe pričao o svojim i inovacijama njegovih učenika, koje za cilj imaju bolju i ˝konkretniju“ upotrebu interneta.
U prepunom amfietatru u Zrenjaninu demontrirano je 5 inovacija u IT svetu, koje će zauvek promeniti internet :


Ukoliko ste razdvojeni od voljene osobe, poljubac je stvar koju definitivno najviše želite. Uređaj pod nazivom ˝Kissenger˝ omogućio je da osetite poljubac voljene osobe bilo gde u svetu. Sve što treba da uradite jeste da naslonite svoje usne na senzore, a tehnika će dalje učiniti svoje.

Poljubac uredjaj

Demontstracija uživo


Prsluk koji će vas zagrliti kada niko drugi nije pored vas da to uradi.


Ukoliko želite da probate ukus nečeg novog, potrebno je da stavite svoj jezik između senzora, i na jeziku ćete osetiti željeni ukus.


Ukoliko ste udaljeni daleko od prijatelja, a jako biste voleli da ga pozdravite, ne morate mu slati poruke ili ga pozvati na telefon. Pošaljite mu pozdrav prstenom, koliko kog puta poželite.


Za sve one koji bi voleli da pripreme neku vrstu hrane, a za to nemaju vremena, osmišljen je uređaj koji će to uraditi umesto njih. Sve što treba da se uradi jeste da se putem pametnog telefona daju instrukcije, i digitalni ˝štampač˝će od sastojaka koje mu prethodno ostavite, napraviti vaš željeni obrok.

Profesor sa Tehničkog fakulteta Mihajlo Pupin, Branko Markoski koji je organizovao ovo predavanje istakao je značaj ovakvih događaja za grad Zrenjanin i dodao da će se potruditi da se inovacije u Zrenjaninu češće predstavljaju, sa osnovnim ciljem da se podstaknu mladi da i sami razvijaju proizvode i platforme za 21. vek.

Device ‘tricks’ brain into thinking broccoli tastes like chocolate


© Mike Blake
Bland food could soon be a thing of the past after scientists invented a revolutionary new device which completely alters our sense of taste and may prove to be a breakthrough in the fight against obesity.

British scientists are on the verge of making broccoli taste like chocolate and tofu taste like steak.

Researchers at London’s City University have built a prototype for a device, called the Taste Buddy, which uses low-level electrical current to ‘trick’ your taste buds.

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The prototype is limited to creating sweet or salty tastes, but its inventors hope it will be able to completely alter our diets by imitating any number of foods.

What started out as a fun engineering experiment has now led to something much more exciting with the potential to have a positive social impact,” lead scientist Professor Adrian Cheok said.

The Taste Buddy could eventually help save lives, by allowing people to switch to healthier food choices.

Many children hate the taste of vegetables. So I knew that when I became an engineer, I wanted to make a device that could allow children to eat vegetables that taste like chocolate,” he added.

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The device consists of a 2cm (0.8 inch) wide tab that sits on the tongue and is wired to a processor.

To enhance sweetness, the device warms up rapidly and stimulates specific taste receptors that react to heat.

A weak electric current is used to target other taste buds responsible for salty flavours.
The Taste Buddy will be showcased at The Big Bang UK Young Scientists & Engineers Fair in Birmingham next March, where members of the public will be able to try it for themselves.

New gadget could trick kids into eating their greens, say scientists


13:45, 13 OCT 2016 UPDATED 13:46, 13 OCT 2016

It is claimed the device will transform bland tofu into juicy steak – or conjure up chocolate broccoli

Getting your little ones to eat their greens can be one of the more difficult aspects of being a parent.

But, luckily, a new device will trick your child’s tongue and turn even the most unappetising “healthy” food into a delicious treat, according to its creators.

The Taste Buddy, which emits thermal and electric signals that stimulate the taste buds in the mouth, will head to the The Big Bang UK Young Scientists and Engineers Fair in Birmingham next year.

While the early prototype is restricted to imitating sweet or salty tastes, future versions have the potential to completely alter our diets, scientists say.

The device will even be able transform bland tofu into juicy steak – or conjure up chocolate broccoli – it is claimed.

The Big Bang UK Young Scientists and Engineers Fair, aimed at young people interested in science, technology and engineering, takes place from March 15 to 18 at the National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham.

Professor Adrian Cheok, from City, University of London, who led the team of scientists and engineers that created the device said: “What started out as a fun engineering experiment has now led to something much more exciting with the potential to have a positive social impact.

“The Taste Buddy could eventually help save lives, by allowing people to switch to healthier food choices.”

It is claimed the device will transform bland tofu into juicy steak – or conjure up chocolate broccoli

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He added: “Many children hate the taste of vegetables. So I knew that when I became an engineer, I wanted to make a device that could allow children to eat vegetables that taste like chocolate.”

In its current early form the Taste Buddy consists of a 2cm wide tab that sits on the tongue and is wired to a bulky processor.

To enhance sweetness, the device warms up very rapidly and stimulates specific taste receptors that react to heat.

A weak electric current is used to target other taste buds responsible for salty flavours.

Members of the public will have a chance to try out the Taste Buddy for themselves in Birmingham next March.