カリフォルニア大学、イリノイ大学など 海外大学との提携を締結

情報経営イノベーション専門職大学(東京都墨田区、学長 中村伊知哉、http://www.i-u.ac.jp、以下「iU」)は、このほど海外大学との提携の第一段階として、米国カリフォルニア大学サン・ディエゴ校(The University of California, San Diego (UCSD)、米国イリノイ大学シカゴ校(The University of Illinois at Chicago Campus)、英国シェーフィールド大学(The University of Sheffield)、マレーシアラッフルズ大学(Raffles University Malaysia )、シンガポール国立大学(National University of Singapore)、英国ニコラ・テスラ大学院大学 (Nikola Tesla Graduate School)、アフリカアクレ連邦技術大学(The Federal University of Technology、Akure、 Ondo State、 Nigeria: FUTA)の7校との包括的提携に合意しました。


(1) 提携大学での授業が受けられ、卒業単位として認められるパスポート制度
(2) 戦略特区の共同利用による新産業、新製品の共同開発研究
(3) 海外留学生へのビザ特区の設置
(4) その他eスポーツ、超教育、超スポーツ、アニメ、オタクなどの国際的共同研究
(5) 起業支援、及び人材育成




・大学名:「情報経営イノベーション専門職大学」 ※愛称「iU(あいゆー)」
・学部名:情報経営イノベーション学部 情報経営イノベーション学科



・サテライトオフィス:東京都港区海岸1-7-1 東京ポートシティ竹芝 オフィスタワー8階・学生数:1期生230名


ICT×ビジネス×グローバルコミュニケーション + 全員インターンシップ×全員起業×オンライン学習



iU 情報経営イノベーション専門職大学 TEL:03-5655-15555  E-mail:info@i-u.ac.jp

iU announces partnership with 7 international universities.


Professional University of Information and Management for Innovation (Sumida-ku, Tokyo, President Ichiya Nakamura, http://www.iu.ac.jp, “iU”) announces that since opening the University on April 1st 2020, it already has reached a comprehensive partnership agreement with global seven prominent schools such as The University of California, San Diego (UCSD), The University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), The University of Sheffield, Raffles University Malaysia, National University of Singapore, Nikola Tesla Graduate School in UK, and the Federal University of Technology, Africa (Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria: FUTA). Many more international collaborations will follow.

iU will continue to actively collaborate with major universities in Japan and overseas, aiming to realize the “World University Concept”, a world university as an intellectual hub for the IT and business world centered around iU. While at the same time providing students the best opportunities to finance their careers so they can get the best student loan refinance opportunities.

Best Natural Substitutes for Adderall: Improving Mental Clarity

In the quest for improved mental clarity and focus, many individuals turn to smart drugs or nootropics as alternatives to prescription medications like Adderall. These natural substances are known for their ability to support brain health and cognitive function. Let’s explore some of the best natural substitutes for Adderall that can help enhance mental performance without the potential side effects see here timesunion.com.

Nootropics: L-theanine, DMAE, and Phosphatidylserine

One popular nootropic is L-theanine, an amino acid commonly found in green tea. It has been shown to promote relaxation without causing drowsiness, making it an excellent choice for reducing anxiety and improving focus. L-theanine works by increasing alpha brain waves, which are associated with a state of calm alertness.

Another nootropic worth considering is DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol). DMAE is believed to enhance mental stamina and reduce brain fog by increasing levels of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter involved in learning and memory. By boosting acetylcholine production, DMAE may improve cognitive function and overall brain power.

Phosphatidylserine is another natural substance that plays a crucial role in maintaining optimal brain health. It supports cell membrane structure and function while promoting healthy communication between brain cells. Studies have shown that phosphatidylserine supplementation can improve memory, attention, and cognitive performance in individuals with age-related cognitive decline.

Supporting Brain Health and Cognitive Function

These natural substances offer several benefits when it comes to supporting brain health and cognitive function:

Improved Mental Energy: Nootropics like L-theanine can provide a boost of mental energy without the jitters or crashes associated with stimulants.

Enhanced Focus: DMAE helps sharpen focus by increasing acetylcholine levels in the brain.

Reduced Anxiety: L-theanine has a calming effect that can help alleviate anxiety and promote a sense of relaxation.

Memory Enhancement: Phosphatidylserine supplementation has been shown to enhance memory and cognitive performance, particularly in older adults.

Safe Alternatives to Adderall

While Adderall may be effective for treating certain conditions like ADHD, it also comes with potential side effects and risks. Natural substitutes like L-theanine, DMAE, and phosphatidylserine offer a safer alternative for individuals seeking improved mental clarity without the drawbacks of prescription medications.

Pros of natural substitutes:

Fewer side effects compared to Adderall

Non-addictive nature

Can be purchased over the counter without a prescription

Cons of natural substitutes:

Effects may vary from person to person

May take time to see noticeable results

It’s important to note that individual responses to these natural substances may vary, so it’s always best to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen. They can provide personalized guidance based on your specific needs and health history.

Effective Drug Testing Practices for Employers

In order to maintain safety standards in the workplace, implementing a robust drug testing program is crucial. However, it’s important for employers to strike a balance between respecting employee privacy rights and ensuring a safe work environment. Here are some effective practices for workplace drug testing:

Implementing a Robust Workplace Drug Testing Program

A comprehensive workplace drug testing program should be established to deter drug abuse and create a healthy work environment. This program should include regular screenings for all employees as well as random drug testing. By implementing such measures, employers can identify individuals who may pose a risk to themselves or others due to substance abuse more information https://www.ndtv.com/.

Balancing Employee Privacy Rights

While it’s essential to prioritize safety, it’s equally important to respect employee privacy rights during the drug testing process. Employers must ensure that their drug testing policies comply with applicable laws and regulations. This may involve seeking legal counsel to establish protocols that strike the right balance between maintaining safety and respecting privacy.

Determining Appropriate Frequency and Randomization Strategies

Determining the frequency of screenings is crucial. The frequency will depend on various factors such as industry standards, job requirements, and the prevalence of substance abuse within the organization or industry. Randomization strategies should also be employed to ensure fairness and prevent employees from anticipating when they will be tested.

Educating Employees about Workplace Drug Testing

To foster transparency and understanding among employees, employers should provide education about the purpose and procedures involved in workplace drug testing. This includes explaining why drug testing is necessary for maintaining a safe work environment and outlining the consequences of positive test results. By educating employees about these processes, misconceptions can be dispelled, leading to greater acceptance of drug testing initiatives.

It’s important to note that no single method of drug testing can be considered “the most accurate.” Different tests have varying levels of accuracy depending on factors such as the type of drug being tested, the specimen used (urine, saliva, hair), and the detection window. Employers should consult with experts in the field to determine which testing methods are most appropriate for their specific needs.

Specifically, in addition to the exchange of students and faculty members and the implementation of joint research, the objectives are as follows:
(1) A “passport” system that allows classes at partner universities and is recognized as a graduation unit
(2) Joint development research of new industries and new products with joint use of strategic special zones
(3) Establishment of special visa zone for international students
(4) Other international collaborative research on eSports, super education, super sports, anime, otaku, etc.
(5) Entrepreneurship support and human resource development

This alliance with overseas universities is being promoted as part of the “World University Concept” advocated by iU. Through collaboration with each school, iU will be able to develop and hold international joint lectures, international joint experiments and implementation of various IT technologies, and international joint research through exchanges of students and teachers of each university. iU will work with universities and other well-known companies in Japan and overseas that support this activity.

Professor Adrian David Cheok is appointed Visiting Professor of University of Novi Sad-Serbia, on Technical faculty “Mihailo Pupin”, Serbia


What are replica watches?

Replica watches are imitations of well-known luxury watch brands. These timepieces closely resemble their high-end counterparts in design and functionality but are produced at a fraction of the price. They allow watch enthusiasts to own a piece that mimics the appearance and features of prestigious watch models.

Why are they popular?
Replica watches have gained popularity due to their affordability and accessibility. They provide an opportunity for individuals to wear stylish timepieces without paying a premium price. They also cater to those who admire the aesthetics of luxury watches but are unwilling or unable to invest in the original.

The legal aspect of replica watches
The legal status of replica watches is a complex matter. While owning a replica watch is generally legal, manufacturing and selling them can infringe on trademark and copyright laws. Some countries have stricter regulations on replicas, so it’s essential to be aware of the legalities in your region.

Quality of Replica Watches
When it comes to replica watches, quality varies significantly. Understanding the factors that influence the quality of these timepieces is crucial.

Materials and craftsmanship
High-quality replicas often use materials that closely resemble those in the original watches. These replicas undergo careful craftsmanship to replicate the intricate details and functions of luxury watches.

The difference between high-quality and low-quality replicas
Low-quality replicas may look appealing at first glance, but they tend to use cheaper materials and lack attention to detail. High-quality replicas, on the other hand, invest in precision, ensuring a closer resemblance to the original watch.

The cost factor
Replica watches are available in a wide price range. The cost of a replica watch depends on its quality, brand reputation, and the complexity of its design. It’s essential to determine your budget and what you’re willing to compromise on.

Adrian David Cheok, Professor of UoL, Invited to Exhibit at Ars Electronica Festival AI & Drones 2017

Professor Adrian David Cheok, Chair Professor of University of London, has been invited to exhibit at the Ars Electronica Festival 2017. His work, Kissenger, has been selected by the Ars Electronica Festival committee to showcase for 5 days at one of the most prestigious media arts events to be held on 7-11 September 2017 in POSTCITY Linz, Austria.

Ars Electronica Festival is an international festival for Art, Technology & Society offering a distinct platform. Since 1979 it has provided an extraordinary meeting point. Artists, scientists, engineers, researchers and developers from all over the world are welcomed in Linz, to confront a specific, interdisciplinary theme in the context of exhibitions, conferences, workshops and interventions.

In the realm of entertainment and media, drones have revolutionized the way content is created and consumed. Filmmakers and photographers use drones to capture stunning aerial shots that were previously difficult or impossible to achieve. The flexibility and maneuverability of drones enable dynamic and creative perspectives, enhancing the visual storytelling of films, documentaries, and sports broadcasts. Additionally, drones are used in live event coverage, providing unique and engaging views of concerts, festivals, and sporting events, thereby enriching the viewer experience. The ability to capture high-quality aerial footage with relative ease and cost-efficiency has democratized access to advanced filming techniques, allowing more creators to produce professional-grade content.

Overall, the versatility and capabilities of drones have made them invaluable tools across various sectors. Their ability to provide real-time data, access difficult terrains, and perform tasks efficiently and safely underscores their growing importance in modern society the DJI Matrice 30t offers that ruggedness and toughness you need. As technology continues to advance, the applications and benefits of drones are likely to expand even further, driving innovation and improving outcomes in countless fields.

The theme of the 2017 Festival is AI –The Other I, ideas circulating here are innovative, radical, and eccentric in the best sense of that term, they influence our everyday, become integrated in our lifestyle and are our future way of life. One part of the exhibition will be dedicated to Artificial Intimacy, a special branch providing futuristic technical visions related to intimacy between humans and machines. Questions such as “Can a human love a robot?”, “Can a robot love a human?” will provoke your thoughts while exploring some of the latest technology in this area. https://www.aec.at/ai/en/artificial-intimacy/

The 5-day event is expected to welcome audiences of over 85,000. Ars Electronica Festival is supported by a prestigious list of 382 associates, including Intel, mobility partner Daimler, Animation Festival sponsor Maxon, scientific mentor MIT Media Lab and BioAustria. They make it possible for Ars Electronica to stage a festival characterized by huge dimensions and superb quality.

More information about the festival can be found here: https://www.aec.at/festival/en/

PRESS RELEASE: Electric Smell Machine for Internet & Virtual Smell

Date: August 7, 2017
Adrian David Cheok, Kasun Karunanayaka, Surina Hariri, Hanis Camelia, and Sharon Kalu Ufere Imagineering Institute, Iskandar Puteri, Malaysia & City, University of London,UK.
Email: contact@imagineeringinstitute.org
Phone: +607 509 6568
Fax: +607 509 6713

Here we are excited to introduce the world’s first computer controlled digital device developed to stimulate olfactory receptor neurons with the aim of producing smell sensations purely using electrical pulses. Using this device, now we can easily stimulate the various areas of nasal cavity with different kinds of electric pulses. During the initial user experiments, some participants experienced smell sensations including floral, fruity, chemical, and woody. In addition, we have observed a dif- ference in the ability of smelling odorants before and after the electrical stimulation. These results suggest that this technology could be enhanced to artificially create and modify smell sensations. By conducting more experiments with human subjects, we are expecting to uncover the patterns of electrical stimulations, that can effectively generate, modify, and recall smell sensations. This invention can lead to internet and virtual reality digital smell.

Figure 1: Concept of stimulating human olfactory receptor neurons using electric pulses.

To date, almost all smell regeneration methods used in both academia and industry are based on chemicals. These methods have several limitations such as being expensive for long term use, complex, need of routine maintenance, require refilling, less controllability, and non-uniform distribution in the air. More importantly, these chemical based smells cannot be transmitted over the digital networks and regenerate remotely, as we do for the visual and auditory data. Therefore, discovering a method to produce smell sensations without us- ing chemical odorants is a necessity for digitizing the sense of smell. Our concept is illustrated in the Figure 1, which is electrically stimulating the olfactory receptor neurons (ORN) and study whether this approach can produce or modify smell sensations. During a medical experiment in 1973, electrical stimulation of olfactory receptors reported some smell sensations including almond, bitter almond, and vanilla [1]. However, three other similar experiments that used electrical stimulation failed to reproduce any smell sensations [2, 3, 4]. Therefore, finding a proper method to electrically reproduce smell sensations was still undiscovered.

Figure 2: The digital olfactory receptor stimulation device: It has a current controller circuit, endoscope camera, a pair of silver electrodes, a microcontroller, a power supply, a low current multimeter, and a laptop.

Our approach is different from the previous research mentioned above. Our main objective is to develop a controllable and repeatable digital technology, a device that connects to computers and be easily able to programmed and controlled. Also this device needs to generate electric pulses of different frequencies, cur- rents, pulse widths and stimulation times. To provide more stimulation possibilities, we wanted this device to be capable of stimulating diverse sites at the ventral surface of the inferior, middle, and superior nasal concha. Fig. 2 shows the computer controlled digital device we have developed to stimulate olfactory receptors. The amount of current output by the circuit can be controlled using one of the five push buttons shown in Figure 2 and the respective LED near the push button will lights up after the selection. The frequency of the stimulation pulses and stimulation time is controlled by the microcontroller program. It is possible to vary the stimulation frequency from 0Hz to 33kHz and pulse width using the programming. The pair of silver electrodes combined with the endoscopic camera was used to stimulate olfactory receptor neurons, and during the stimulation, one electrode is configured as the positive and the other electrode as the ground. Fig 3 and Fig 4 shows testing our device with human subjects.

Figure 3: This image shows the user study setup and stimulating the nasal cavity targeting the middle and superior concha regions using the device

During our first user study, we have stimulated the 30 subjects using 1mA to 5mA range with frequencies 2Hz, 10Hz, 70Hz, and 180Hz. 1mA at 10Hz and 1mA at 70Hz were the stimulation parameters which gave most prominent results for the smell related responses. Electrical stimulation with 1mA and 70Hz induced the highest odor perceptions. 27% of the participants reported the perceived fragrant and chemical sensa- tions. Other smell sensations that are reported for include, 20% fruity, 20% sweet, 17% tosted and nutty, 10% minty, and 13% woody. Stimulation parameters 1mA/10Hz reported 17% fragrant, 27% sweet 27%, chemical 10%, woody 10%. Meanwhile, results for the 4mA/70Hz reported 82% for pain and 64% reported pressure sensations. We have also probed the effect of electrical stimulation on the nose after stimulation. Therefore, we asked participants to repeat the sniffing of known odorants immediately after stimulation and rate the intensity. Most of the participants reported higher intensity after stimulation. This showed that the electrical stimulation increased the intensity of the odorants in the nose.

Figure 4: This image shows a person is testing the Electric Smell Interface in the lab environment

We are planning to extend this user experiment with more number of participants. The effects of the differ- ent electrical stimulation parameters such as frequency, current, and stimulation period will be more closely studied in future. By analyzing the results, we plan to identify various stimulation patterns that can produce different smell sensations. If the electrical stimulation of olfactory receptors effectively produce smell sen- sations, it will revolutionize the field of communication. Multisensory communication is currently limited to text, audio and video contents. Digitizing touch sense are already been achieved experimentally in the research level and will be embedded to daily communication near future. If the digitization of smell be- comes possible it will paved the way for sensing, communicating and reproducing flavor sensations over the internet. This will create more applications in the fields such as human computer interaction, virtual reality, telepresence, and internet shopping.


1.Uziel, A.: Stimulation of human olfactory neuro-epithelium by long-term continuous electrical currents. Journal de physiologie 66(4) (1973) 409422

2.Weiss, T., Shushan, S., Ravia, A., Hahamy, A., Secundo, L., Weissbrod, A., Ben-Yakov, A., Holtzman, Y., Cohen- Atsmoni, S., Roth, Y., et al.: From nose to brain: Un-sensed electrical currents applied in the nose alter activity in deep brain structures. Cerebral Cortex (2016)

3.Straschill, M., Stahl, H., Gorkisch, K.: Effects of electrical stimulation of the human olfactory mucosa.Stereotactic and Functional Neurosurgery 46(5-6) (1984) 286289

4.Ishimaru, T., Shimada, T., Sakumoto, M., Miwa, T., Kimura, Y., Furukawa, M.: Olfactory evoked potential produced by electrical stimulation of the human olfactory mucosa. Chemical senses 22(1) (1997) 7781