Dává to smysl? Kissenger je zařízení pro posílání polibků mobilem



Přenos hlasu či obrazu na opačný konec zeměkoule je dnes již samozřejmostí. Emma Yann Zhang posouvá hranice komunikace ještě dál. Navrhla příslušenství pro iPhony, které přenáší polibky.

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Kissenger je prvním pokusem o přenos polibků na vzdálenost (zdroj: Kissenger)

Kissenger vypadá jako obal na telefon. V jeho spodní části jsou silikonové „rty“, které disponují několika přesnými senzory. Ty snímají pohyb rtů a záznam pošlou přes internet do jiné mobilní aplikace a jiného Kissengeru, kde se akce replikuje.

Autorka věří, že lidé zažijí více intimity s umělou inteligencí a s roboty, a schopnost přenášet polibky může hrát klíčovou roli.

Zajímavosti | Sex | Hlasové ovládání | Umělá inteligence | AI | RobotiSex manželských párů? Jen výjimečně. Ložnice ovládnou roboti s umělou inteligencí

Součástí projektu je i sběr dat. Kissenger bude sledovat statistiky o krevním tlaku či tepové frekvenci, aby vědci zjistili, zda taková forma líbání působí na lidi stejně, jako líbání s živou osobou. Zařízení je připravené pro laboratorní testy, s prodejem se zatím nepočítá.

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Takhle vypadá prototyp. O detekci pohybů rtů se starají silikonové rty s množstvím senzorů (zdroj: Kissenger)

Váš názor? Dovedete si představit, že byste oslintávali kus silikonu a získali tak dojem, že líbáte milovanou osobu? Není nakonec lepší poslat patřičný emotikon, nebo si prostě jen zavolat a city vyjádřit jinak?


Kissinger, gadget khusus buat kamu yang lelah didera LDR

Alat yang bentuknya lucu ini terbungkus lapisan sebagai sarung berwarna cerah.

Brilio.net – Menjalani hubungan jarak jauh atau biasa disebut LDR emang banyak nggak asyiknya. Bagi yang sudah menikah, rasa rindu pada pasangannya yang menggebu-gebu bisa bikin susah tidur dan berkonsentrasi dalam mengerjakan sesuatu. Meski ada media sosial dan berbagai macam aplikasi perpesanan instan, yakin deh nggak ada yang bisa menggantikan kehadiran langsung orang yang dicintai dan dirindukan.

Tapi tenang, pada akhir Desember lalu, para ahli berhasil menciptakan alat canggih bernama Kissinger. Lewat alat itu, kamu yang LDR atau yang jauh dari orangtuamu bisa merasakan hangatnya kecupan orang terkasih via ponsel.

Alat yang bentuknya lucu ini terbungkus lapisan sebagai sarung berwarna cerah yang terdapat bidang untuk mendaratkan ciuman, yang terbuat dari plastik. Saat bibirmu menempel pada bidang tersebut, alat itu akan mengirimkan sensasinya kepada lawan bicaramu yang juga menggunakan alat tersebut.

“Ciuman adalah ekspresi universal atas keintiman dan kasih sayang. Alat ini adalah cara bagi kita mempertahankan keintiman dalam hubungan kita. Ciuman juga bisa menurunkan kadar stres dan saat kita merasakan keintiman sentuhan fisik semacam ini, kita bisa menurunkan tekanan darah” jelas Emma Yann Zhang, juru bicara produsen produk tersebut seperti brilio.net lansir dari Mirror, Jumat (30/12).

Meski masih butuh penyempurnaan di beberapa bagiannya, produsen mengklaim bahwa alat ini sudah membantu orang yang merindukan orang terkasihnya.

“Tahap selanjutnya adalah menambahkan teknologi aroma, sehingga kamu bisa mencium aroma dari orang yang ingin kamu kecup,” pungkas Zhang.


Robotic Kiss Transmitter Lets You Smooch a Loved One From Afar


With the Kissenger, video chats could be sealed with a kiss.

If you can’t be with your loved ones this holiday season, perhaps you’ve told them that you’re sending a kiss. But if you could really do just that—send a kiss by smashing your lips against a rubber pad that’s attached to your smartphone—would you want to?

The Kissenger (so named because it’s a “mobile kiss messanger”) could give you that awkward option. The two-way device, which allows users to simultaneously send and receive the sensation of a kiss, comes from researchers in London who work on haptics, the science of touch. Emma Yann Zhang says her kissing machine is intended to overcome problems inherent in long-distance relationships. The Kissenger, she wrote in a recent paper, provides “effective communication of deep emotions and intimacy through a multisensory internet communication experience.”

For that intimate internet-enabled smooch, the two users insert their iPhones into their plastic Kissenger devices and place a video call via FaceTime or Skype. When the time feels right for a kiss, both users press their lips against silicone pads containing force sensors. The data representing the pressure pattern of each user’s lips is transmitted in real time to the other user’s unit, where actuators beneath the rubbery surface push upward to roughly reproduce that pattern.

Two iPhones are connected to Kissenger devices. The phone screen shows the Kissenger app that enables kiss transmission during a video call.

Zhang imagines the Kissenger being used not only by long-distance lovers, but also by family members. If grandma held her unit to her cheek, for example, a grandkid could plant a kiss there.

Kissenger could also find less… traditional applications. The gadget got a burst of publicity this week when Zhang presented her device at a conference about love and sex with robots. She thinks it’s inevitable that humans will form intimate relationships with artificial intelligences and robots, and she’s wondering how those relationships would be changed if the two entities could share a kiss. However, she noted in a recent report on her project, “this research will not attempt to conclude whether it is ethically acceptable to have intimate relationships with robots.”

Her upcoming experiments with the Kissenger will provide some interesting data, however. Now that she has a working prototype, Zhang is planning lab tests to assess both its practical and “hedonistic” aspects. In one test, pairs of humans with existing relationships will try out the device and rate its usability and how much pleasure they derived from the experience. The researchers will also record physiological data like blood pressure and heart rate to see if remote kisses affect bodily systems in the same way that real kisses do.

And then there’s the Turing test for kissing. In this experiment, each subject will use the Kissenger to send and receive kisses from two anonymous individuals, and will again be asked to rate their feelings of pleasure and empathy for their partners. But the test subjects won’t know that one of those partners was just a computer program simulating the pressure patterns of a human kiss. Will they be able to tell the difference?

The Kissenger is Zhang’s PhD project—she’s currently working in the City University London lab of Adrian Cheok, a trailblazer in weird sensory technologies. Five years ago, IEEE Spectrum described the little haptic jacket he invented that enabled him to hug chickens.











当然,这么好的点子相当有必要做出来呀,于是在2012年新加坡公司Kissengers Pte Ltd开始创作。之后,又结合来自新加坡、斯里兰卡、西班牙、台湾、美国和中国的资源与研发员进行研制~








虽然这个设计已经很牛叉了,但素,伦家的终极目标可是要打造一个Kissenger机器人呢。“Kissenger”的工程师兼伦敦城市大学博士生Emma Yann Zhang喊话:要采用与手机版本一样的科技、使用硅胶来制造完整的人形机器人,将这个技术运用在机器人的头部。他们可以叫“EVA”和“Wall-E”么?……

好了好了,不要闹~“Kissenger” 手机现在只是个设计原型,推出市场的日子和售价还么有敲定呢。。。




Will we really make love with robots? Yes, says Malaysia’s Prof. Adrian David Cheok


WHAT will a sex robot look like? Will humans fall in love with robots? Will people be able to marry robots in the future?

adrain cheok kissenger

Prof. Adrian David Cheok holding a device he created with his team, called Kissenger. Pic: Adrian David Cheok

These were just some of the probing questions debated at the Second International Congress on Love and Sex with Robots held in London last week. The conference was moved from London to Malaysia earlier in the year after the Malaysian chief of police deemed the congress to be illegal.

The questions, as you might expect, were endless. And although the answers were, at this early stage of technology development, far from definitive, few were in dispute that sex, and even love, with robots will happen – and probably sooner than we expect.

Co-organizer of the conference, Professor Adrian David Cheok, who is Director of the Imagineering Institute in Malaysia, sat down with Tech Wire Asia to discuss what future opportunities humanoid robots might present the Asian technology sector and how human-like robots can change people’s lives.

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How far advanced is humanoid robotic technology at present?

A humanoid, artificial intelligent robot that we love and could have sex with – we don’t know when that is coming. Some people say next year, other people say it is much further down the line.

However, we are already seeing a lot of technology that is related. If you put the pieces together, such as electronic sex products for men and for women – and we are also seeing sex dolls without the robotics – it’s clear there are people investing and buying these products. You can see the trajectories are there.

What will be the key markets for humanoid robots?

Initially, maybe the market will be for people who are disadvantaged, such as disabled people, people who have problems such as autism and shyness.

Right now, a lot of people don’t have sex at all so for them it is better than no sex.

We might see smaller more niche markets at first, but then, as with any product – for example, only rich business people used mobile phones at first – it will come into the mainstream.

This conference was banned in Malaysia – do you think there will be an acceptance of this kind of technology all over Asia?

A device created by Prof. Adrian and Emma Yann called the Kissenger. Pic: Adrian David Cheok

I am often surprised how open people in East Asia – japan, Korea, China – are to sex. A lot of people are using sex products and technology, so from the Asia perspective they are going to be at the very forefront.

It’s already happening. People are already playing games where they can have virtual relationships. There are reports of people falling in love with virtual characters – if they can do that I don’t think it is a very big step to fall in love with a robot. Japan are 1000 percent trying to make sex robots and technology.

SEE ALSO: Japan: Gatebox’s smart virtual reality ‘companion’ received mixed responses

But then, if you go to other parts of Asia, they are much more conservative, especially in Muslim countries, such as Malaysia where my lab is. We are very careful not to offend people.

Ultimately it is unstoppable because I believe people want this technology and I think, whether religion or government, it is going to happen sooner or later.

What about robots as a form of companionship?

We shouldn’t forget the love part. There are many different kinds of love – not just romantic or sexual.

There is a rapidly aging population. Maybe elderly people would like to have a pet dog but they can’t look after it, a robotic pet can be very beneficial.

Wouldn’t it be great if someone’s partner could survive as a robot? It would not be exactly the same, but if we could program the robot while their partner is alive then you have a love-robot, a companion. The love and companionship will be very important for the elderly population.

I think robots as companions can help a great deal of the population. They could increase society’s happiness.

What do you want to see happen now in terms of the technology and from the investors?

Female mannequin poses erotic, sexy, design of rich colors

Pic: Malic Sergiu/Shutterstock

There is a very big interest from academics on this topic, but what we need now are the investors – the companies who are going to make these products.

I think they are there but the problem is investors do not want to touch anything that is associated with sex – anywhere in the world. They are given a portfolio of money and if they are investing in sex they are scared because they don’t want people to protest. It’s the same as gambling or idn poker – those things are considered sins of society.

However, there is a huge industry for pornographic material and sex aids – so who is putting the money into that? There is a community out there, it is just that they wouldn’t necessarily think of working with academia and vice versa.

Somehow this research topic has got to bring together two groups of people that have never worked together or conversed before. Maybe this conference will get the conversation going.

Will we really make love with robots? Yes, says Malaysia’s Prof. Adrian David Cheok