Singapore Government and Keio University have agreed to jointly establish Keio-NUS CUTE Center in Singapore
Keio University has agreed to set up Keio-NUS CUTE (Connective Ubiquitous Technology for Embodiments) Center in Singapore in response to the Interactive and Digital Media Research and Development Programme Office (IDMPO) of the Singapore government.
Keio-NUS CUTE Center will be operated by Keio University with close cooperation with National University of Singapore(NUS), and will have base both in NUS and Keio University. Keio University Graduate School of Media Design (KMD) which was newly established in April 2008 will play a major role of research activities of Keio-NUS CUTE Center. Researchers of the two Universities will collaborate in their research themes such as lifestyle media in the ubiquitous society, global computing utilizing leading-edge network, and trends in digital contents and pop culture in Asia.
- Press Release
- Keio University Graduate School of Media Design (KMD)
- National University of Singapore(NUS)