Journal Papers
- CHEOK, A. D., TEH, K. S., NGUYEN, T. H., QUI, T. C., LEE, S. P., LIU, W., LI, C. C., DIAZ, D., and BOJ, C. 2006. Social and Physical Interactive Paradigms for Mixed-Reality Entertainment, ACM Computer in Entertainment (CIE), 4, 2 (Apr. 2006), 5.
- NGUYEN, T. H. D., QUI, T. C. T., XU, K., CHEOK, A. D., TEO, S. L., ZHOU, Z. Y., MALLAWAARACHCHI, A., LEE, S. P., LIU, W., TEO, H. S., THANG, L. N., LI, Y., and KATO, H. 2005. Real Time 3D Human Capture System for Mixed-Reality Art and Entertainment, IEEE Transaction on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), 11, 6 (Nov. – Dec. 2005), 706 – 721.
Conference/Demo Papers
- BOJ, C., DIAZ, D., NGUYEN, T. H. D., LIU, W., CHEOK, A. D. 2006. Free Network Visible Network. In 11th International Symposium of Electronic Arts, ISEA06, San Jose, USA. 7-13 August 2006.
- VASILAKOS, T., NGUYEN, T. H. D., QUI, T. C. T., LI., C. C., DIAZ, D., BOJ, C., MARENTAKIS, G., CHEOK., A. D. 2005. Mixed Reality Interactive Theater System with Ambient Intelligence. In 10th Biennial Symposium on Art and Technology. Connecticut, USA. March 30 – April 1, 2006.
- QUI, T. C. T., NGUYEN, T. H. D., MALLAWAARACHCHI, A., XU, K., LIU, W., LEE, S. P., ZHOU, Z. Y., TEO, S. L., TEO, H. S., THANG, L. N., LI, Y., CHEOK, A. D., KATO, H. 2005. Magic Land: Live 3d Human Capture Mixed Reality Interactive System. In CHI ’05 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Portland, OR, USA, April 02 – 07, 2005). CHI ’05. ACM Press, New York, NY, 1142-1143.
- QUI, T. C. T., NGUYEN, T. H. D., CHEOK, A. D., TEO, S. L., XU, K., ZHOU, Z. Y., MALLAWAARACHCHI, A., LEE, S. P., LIU, W., TEO, H. S., THANG, L. N., LI, Y., KATO, H. 2005. Magic Land: a 3D Human Capture Mixed Reality System for Museum Experiences. In International Workshop: Re-Thinking Technology in Museums: Towards a new understanding of visitors’ experiences in museums. Limerick, Ireland. 29th-30th June 2005.
- CHEOK, A. D., NGUYEN, T. H. D., QUI, T. C. T., TEO, S. L., TEO, H. S. 2005. Future Interactive Entertainment Systems Using Tangible Mixed Reality. In International Animation Festival. Hangzhou, China.
- CHEOK, A. D., LI, C. C., NGUYEN, T. H. D., QUI, T. C. T., LEE, S. P., LIU, W., TEH, K. S., DIAZ, D., BOJ, C. 2005. Social and Physical Interactive Paradigms for Mixed Reality Entertainment. In Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Computer Games: AI, Animation, Mobile, Educational & Serious Games. Magelis, Angoulême, France.
- CHEOK, A. D., LI, C. C., NGUYEN, T. H. D., QUI, T. C. T., LEE, S. P., LIU, W., TEH, K. S., DIAZ, D., BOJ, C. 2005. Social and Physical Interactive Paradigms for Mixed Reality Entertainment. In Multimedia Entertainment China 2005. Beijing, China.
Local Demo & Exhibitions
- Magic Land, Planet Games exhibition at Singapore Science Center, 09-12/2004.
- Magic Land, permanent exhibition at Singapore Science Center, 1/2005 until now.
- Crazy Floor, permanent exhibition at Singapore Science Center, 05/2006.
- Chicken Table, permanent exhibition at Singapore Science Center, 05/2006.
International Demo & Exhibitions
- Magic Land, WIRED NextFest exhibition at Chicago USA, June 2005.
Journal papers
- VASILAKOS, T., NGUYEN, T. H. D., QUI, T. C. T., LI., C. C., DIAZ, D., BOJ, C., MARENTAKIS, G., CHEOK, A. D. 2005. Interactive Theatre via Mixed Reality and Ambient Intelligence, Information Science, Special issue: Ambient Intelligent.