Diego Diaz (Research Associated)

Journal papers:

  • CHEOK, A. D., TEH, K. S., NGUYEN, T. H., QUI, T. C., LEE, S. P., LIU, W., LI, C. C., DIAZ, D., and BOJ, C. 2006. Social and physical interactive paradigms for mixed-reality entertainment, ACM Computer in Entertainment (CIE), 4, 2 (Apr. 2006), 5. ACCEPTED
  • VASILAKOS, T., NGUYEN, T. H. D., QUI, T. C. T., LI., C. C., DIAZ, D., BOJ, C., MARENTAKIS, G., CHEOK, A. D. 2005. Interactive Theatre via Mixed Reality and Ambient Intelligence, Information Science, Special issue: Ambient Intelligent. SUBMITTED AND UNDER REVIEW
  • BOJ, C. and DIAZ, D., 2004. Free Network, Visible Network, in A minima Journal of Arts
  • BOJ, C. and DIAZ, D., 2003. Impossible Art, in Cavecanem Arts Magazine

Book Chapters:

  • BOJ, C., DIAZ, D. and CHEOK, A. D., 2003. Mix-zonas projects 03, Published by the National University of Singapore.
  • DIAZ, D., 2002. Compress systems-exclusion systems, in Relation of the light with the materiel, University ofGranada.
  • DIAZ, D. and MAÑAS, M., 2001. Lies and space exercise in Entre les yeux et ce quils voint. PolythecnicUniversity of Valencia

Conference papers/Demo Papers:

  • BOJ, C., DIAZ, D, “SeeSaw videogame. Movement and balance in a collaborative multi-user game platform”. Mediaterra. International Art and Technology Festival, Athenes, Greece. (Submitted and under review).
  • BOJ, C., DIAZ, D., T., NGUYEN, LIU, W., CHEOK, A. D., “Free Network Visible Network”, 11th International Symposium of Electronic Arts, ISEA06, San Jose, USA. 7-13 August 2006 (Accepted)
  • VASILAKOS, T., NGUYEN, T. H. D., QUI, T. C. T., LI., C. C., DIAZ, D., BOJ, C., MARENTAKIS, G., CHEOK., A. D. 2005. Mixed Reality Interactive Theater System with Ambient Intelligence. In 10th Biennial Symposium on Art and Technology. Connecticut, USA. March 30 – April 1, 2006.
  • CHEOK, A. D., Li, C. C., NGUYEN, T. H. D., QUI, T. C. T., LEE, S. P., LIU, W., TEH, K. S., DIAZ, D., BOJ, C. 2005. Social and Physical Interactive Paradigms for Mixed Reality Entertainment. In Multimedia Entertainment China 2005. Beijing, China. 19-22, December, 2005
  • CHEOK, A. D., Li, C. C., NGUYEN, T. H. D., QUI, T. C. T., LEE, S. P., LIU, W., TEH, K. S., DIAZ, D., BOJ, C. 2005. Social and Physical Interactive Paradigms for Mixed Reality Entertainment. In Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Computer Games: AI, Animation, Mobile, Educational & Serious Games. Magelis,Angoulême, France. 28 – 30 November, 2005.
  • BOJ, C., DIAZ, CHEOK, A. D., A., KE, X., WEI, L., “Aesthetic Entertainment of Social Network Interaction: Free Network Visible Network”. Proceedings of ICEC International Conference on Entertainment Computing, Japan,September, 19 – 21, 2005
  • BOJ, C., DIAZ, CHEOK, A. D., A., KE, X., WEI, L., “Free Network Visible Network”. Proceedings of AMT 2005 International Conference on Active Media Technology, Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan, May 19-21, 2005
  • BOJ, C., DIAZ, CHEOK, A. D., A., KE, X., WEI, L., “Free Network Visible Network”. Proceedings of ACM Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, ACE 2005, Valencia, Spain, June 15th-17th, 2005
  • BOJ, C., DIAZ, D., MAÑAS, M., “See Saw videogame, a new multi-user collaborative game device”. Proceedings of ACM SIGCHI Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, Singapore, ACE 2004, June 3-5, 2004
  • BOJ, C., DIAZ, D., “Free Network, Visible Network”. Proceedings of II International Cyber@rt Congress,Bilbao, Spain, 26-29 April, 2004
  • BOJ, C., Diaz, CHEOK, A. D., A., Shang, L., “A Central Axis. A connection project between the spaces of physical and virtual relations”. Proceedings of II International Cyber@rt Congress, Bilbao, Spain, 26-29 April, 2004
  • DIAZ, D., “Real and virtual. New concepts that re-structure our understanding of the world”. Proceedings of the I International Congress of New Sculptural Procedures. UPV. Valencia, 13-17, May, 2002.

Art catalogues (book chapters)

  • BOJ, C., DIAZ, D., CHEOK, A., D., “Free Network Visible Network”, Daejeon Fast 2005, Future of Art, Science and Technology, published by Daejeon Museum of Art, South Korea, 2006
  • BOJ, C., DIAZ, D., “Free Network Visible Network”, Contempor@nia 05, Edited by Contemporary Art Space,Castellon, Spain, 2005.
  • BOJ, C., DIAZ, D., “Territory Free Network Visible Network”, Sculpture in Action, Edited by City CouncilAlaquas, Valencia, 2004.
  • BOJ, C., DIAZ, D., “Playground Area”, The wireless experience, ISEA 2004. Edited by Kiasma Museum,Helsinki, 2004.
  • BOJ, C., DIAZ, D., “Young artist. Murcia 04”. Published by the Culture Council of Murcia.
  • BOJ, C., DIAZ, D., “7 instructions for a kitchen multi-robot”. Del mono azul al cuello blanco. Published by the Consortium of Museums of the Valencia Community, June 2003.
  • BOJ, C., DIAZ, D.,Ejercicio mnemotécnico”. Art Public. Public University. Published by the University ofValencia, October 2002
  • BOJ, C., DIAZ, D.,Playground area” KOODATTU KOKEMUS – ISEA 2004  Publisher by KIASMA MUSEUM –FINLAND. 2004
  • DIAZ, D.,Playground area & Metathinks”, AUDIOVISUAL INJUVE 1988 > 2002, Published by Ministry of Young, 2003
  • DIAZ, D.,Playground area & Metathinks”, AUDIOVISUALES INJUVE 2003, Published by Ministry of Young, 2003,
  • BOJ, C., DIAZ, D.,7 instructions for a kitchen multi-robot”. Del mono azul al cuello blanco. Published by the Consortium of Museums of the Valencian Community, June 2003.
  • BOJ, C., DIAZ, D., “Ejercicio mnemotécnico”. Art Public. Public University. Published by the University ofValencia, October 2002.


  • ARCO05. International Art Contemporay Fair. Madrid, Spain, 2005
  • Contempor@nia05. Contemporary art space. Castellon. Spain, 2005
  • Digital Paradise. Daejeon FAST. Daejeon Art Museum, South Korea, 2005
  • “Free Network Visible Network+lalalab”. Valle Orti Gallery, Valencia, Spain.
  • Banquete. Comunicación en evolución. Cultural Centre Conde Duque, Madrid.
  • ISEA 2004 Wireless experience. Kiasma Museum, Helsinki, Finland.
  • Escultura d’accio. Castillo de Alaquas, Valencia, Spain.
  • Murcia Joven 2004, Casa Diaz Cassou, Murcia, Spain.
  • Audiovisual Injuve 1988 > 2002, Sala Amadis, Madrid, Spain
  • Le Vent. Èventais dártistes contemporáines. Musées de l’Yvonne, Tourinne-La Grosse, Belgium.
  • BEEP ART. I Technological Art Competition. Palau Robert, Barcelona, Spain
  • Interrupt. Singapore Art Museum. Singapore.
  • C.A.S.T. Singapore Art Museum. Singapore.
  • Del mono azul al cuello blanco. Exhibition hall at the old Fish Auction House, Alicante, Spain
  • Certamen de Audiovisuales INJUVE, Sala Amadis, Madrid, Spain
  • Ejercicio mnemotécnico, Espai d’ Art A. Lambert. Xàbia. Alacant
  • Art Public. Public University. Gregorio Mañans Library, University of Valencia.
  • Desesculturas, Circulo de Bellas Artes de Madrid & Castillo de Santa Bárbara – Alicante, Spain
  • 15º Exposición Audiovisuales, Fundación BBV, Bilbao, Spain
  • Ejercicio Mnemotécnico. Espai Lambert exhibition Hall, Javea, Alicante
  • Cuban rice. T20 Gallery, Murcia, Spain
  • II A.I. Video Exhibition, Galería T20, Murcia.
  • Tiempo 20+5, Galería T20, Murcia
  • ON/OFF, exhibition hall of Valencia Polytechnic University UPV, Spain
  • Germinal, Sala Verónicas, Murcia.
  • Entre les yeux et ce qu`íls voient, Espacio Brasseurs – Lieja, Belgium
  • Interazione. Benedictine Cloister, San Casiano in Val di Pesa, Florence

Awards & Achievements

  • First prize Murcia Joven 2004. Youth artist from Murcia, Spain.
  • Honorary Mention Best Artistic Projects Prize. Cyberart 04. Bilbao.
  • Arco Grant from the Sculpture Department of the Valencia Faculty of Fine Arts for the I International Congress of Visual Studies.
  • Third renovation of the grant National plan for New Professor University Formation program (FPU). Spanish Ministry of Education
  • Grant from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the National University of Singapore to undertake a research placement at the Mixed Reality Lab.
  • Second renovation of the grant National plan for New Professor University Formation program (FPU). Spanish Ministry of Education
  • First prize INJUVE 2002 (Spain Youth Institute) in visual art.
  • First prize INJUVE 2002 (Spain Youth Institute) for art projects productions.
  • Second  prize Murcia Joven 2002. Youth artist from Murcia, Spain.
  • Prize Art Public. University of Valencia.
  • First renovation of the grant National plan for New Professor University Formation program (FPU). Spanish Ministry of Education
  • Visual Arts scholarship from the Department of Culture of the Generalitat Valenciana to undertake artistic research studies overseas.
  • Grant National plan for New Professor University Formation program (FPU). Spanish Ministry of Education
  • Prome Grant to undertake 1 semester studies at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA.
  • Prize Augusta Fisher Porter, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh.
  • Erasmus Grant to undertake studies at Southampton Institute of higher Education, Polytechnic University of Valencia.
  • Plastic Arts scholarship to undertake overseas studies from the Department of Culture of the Autonomous Community of Murcia.

Workshop and seminars

  • Free Network Visible Network. Bilbao Arte Fundation, Bilbao, Spain 2005
  • Free Network Visible Network. Art Center Parraga, Murcia, Spain, 2005
  • Augmented Reality. Art and Technology Master, European University of Madrid, 2005
  • Augmented Reality. Art and Technology Master, European University of Madrid, 2004



-Multiuser system for real time control image in movement synchronized with the torsion movement of a central axis. Patent Number P200300855, country of priority: Spain, Date of registry 1/4/2003


– Physical, immersive and multiuser interface for real time control image in movement synchronized with the torsion movement of a central springy. Patent Number P200202539, country of priority: Spain, Date of registry28/10/2002

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