Solar System

This prototype of lesson on the Solar Sytem is part of a Mixed Reality (MXR) education arcade that will provide a whole new experience in which MXR technology is applied in achieving educational goals. This maze arcade will enable pupils to unleash their CREATIVITY and INTERACT collaboratively and actively in a 3D MXR environments to explore concepts related to Science, Maths, English and other subjects.
The incorporation of MXR Technology allows pupils to manipulate virtual learning objects by hand without the use of any traditional computer-human interface such as mouse, keyboard.
Through such intuitive and seemless interaction, pupils would find learning fun and meaning and as a result, be motivated to probe the subjects further to expand their breadth of knowledge
Exhibition History
DesignEdge 2005, Singapore, Nov.10-Nov.12, 2005
Jurong East National Library, Nov. 2005 – Feb. 2006
Video Documentation
Papers and Exhibitions
Exhibition at IDN Design Edge 05. Singapore
Exhibition at Jurong National Library, Singapore


Liu Wei, Irene Ang, Sim Hwee

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