Confucius Computer

(1) Cheok, A.D., Khoo, E.T., Liu, W., Hu, X.M., Marini, P., Zhang, X.Y., Confucius Computer: Transforming the Future through Ancient Philosophy. ACM SIGGRAPH 2008, article no. 10, pages 1.


1. Nominated for the LAVAL VIRTUAL AWARDS 2009.
International Demonstrations:
1. New Technologies Demo, SIGGRAPH 2008, 11-15 Aug 2008, Los Angeles, USA.

Video: videos/Confucius/ConfuciusComputerConceptVideo.mp4 videos/Confucius/ConfuciusComputerSIGGRAPH2008.mp4

High Res Images:

Click the URL to launch Confucius Chat:

You can log in using the following user names. Please note that your chat history will be saved anonymously for research purpose and shown to other people who log into the system later. System may respond slower if the traffic is heavy, please be patient.

Username1: user01    Password1: confucius1
Username2: user02    Password2: confucius2

Click the URL to launch Confucius Food:

“Coming soon…”?

Please allow few minutes for apps to be downloaded. JavaRunTimeEnvironment is needed. Click the URL to download Confucius Food for Windows, Mac or Linux:

“Coming soon…”?

Confucius Computer is a new form of illogical computing algorithm based on the Eastern paradigms of balance and harmony, which are radically different from the ancient Greek logic normally experienced in computing. The system uses new media to revive and model these historical philosophies and teachings, presenting them in new contexts, such as online social chat, music and food. This enables people to experience and explore the ancient culture using the literacy of digital interactivity.





The system core is a virtual Confucius, which can appear as a friend in online social groups, for instance, “Facebook”. Based on the model of Eastern mind and teaching, users can chat and have social network communication with a strict and illogical friend which is Confucius. Confucius computer offers a new perspective to music appreciation by “purifying” any type of music and visualizing it in a dynamic Chinese painting. Confucius computer also allows absurd Confucius dietary advice based on the Yin-Yang concept of balance.

Confucianism is an Eastern ethical and philosophical system that has had great impact, especially in Asian countries, for more than 2500 years, with more and more interest being generated in western society. However Confucian philosophies are extremely complex, and thus may not be easily accessible to people especially given the cultural and language barrier. Also, traditional passive media provides only a linear understanding of his profound teachings, which restricts the learning process. In addition, young people are more inclined to use modern networked and social digital media. Hence our vision is to enable users to experience this rich ancient culture using computing technology in an interactive and dynamic way. Confucius computer provides a personalized experience, in which users can explore and understand Confucianism and Eastern culture.

Abstract computer 1.7.pdf

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