ACE 2015 Highlights

Adrian Cheok to speak at TedxTaipeiSalon 2015

TEDxTaipeiSalon 2015:五感.探索初始

24 Nov 2015, 2.30pm


ABOUT TEDxTaipeiSalon: Inspiration from Five Senses

“生命本質之於冒險熱情,就像生活的樂趣之於每日出奇不意的邂逅與探索新體驗” – 克里斯多夫.麥肯迪尼斯(探險家)


“The very basic core of a man’s living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences.” – Christopher McCandless

What makes our life experiences so interesting? Perhaps it’s the ray of sunlight that hits you in the face when your alarm clock goes off at 6:30AM. Or, the smell of the first pot of coffee you make before heading to work. It can also be the noise from your kids running around the house as they get ready for school. These sounds, images, and smell are what makes your daily routines unique and delightful.

In this TEDxTaipei Salon, we will take the audience on a journey to rediscover these human senses and bring back the basics of life.