AAL Forum- Ambient Assisted Living Forum

The opening of AAL
The Ambient Assisted Living Joint Program is a new joint research and development funding activity by 23 European Members and Associated States with the financial support of the European Community. The overall objective of the program is to enhance the quality of life of older people and strengthen the industrial base in Europe through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). In the context of the “AAL Forum Odense 2010” the “Young Researchers and PhD workshop” involves students and young researchers from various backgrounds, presenting their research towards technical solutions for the elderly people.
The mixed reality lab PhD scholars Jeffrey Koh, Wei Jun, and Wang Xuan presented their research works in this conference and below are their reports on their experiences,

Lifeboat foundation – Mixed and Virtual Reality

Similarities and differences between Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality, and how these technologies will enhance human experiences in the future! (The song Sprawl II used in end credits is courtesy Arcade Fire.)

Watch it in iPhone size for Windows (.avi format) or for the Macintosh (.mov format).

Watch it in regular computer size for Windows (.avi format) or for the Macintosh (.mov format).

Smells Like Home, Truly

National Day and a researcher’s e-mail create a surge of interest in the collective scent memory of Singapore.

Graduate student Cao Yan Yan is interviewed by Vivienne Khoo about her project.  Her project is an exploration of the use of smell in interactive technology. She is focusing on collective memory using scent as a medium.
