Lovotics User Study

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In order to evaluate the performance of Lovotics robot a  novel method for measuring human – robot is proposed by Lovotics team in CUTE Center. A user study is conducted to evaluate the emotional effect of interaction with the robot.  20 users experienced  interaction with Lovotics robot and answered questionnaires which were designed based on psychology of love especially to measure love scales between the participants and the robot.

ACE 2011: 8th Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology Conference incorporating DIMEA 2011 (6th Digital Interactive Media Entertainment and Arts Conference) In Cooperation with ACM and ACM SIGCHI Lisbon, Portugal 8-11 November, 2011

 ACE 2011: 8th Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology Conference incorporating DIMEA 2011 (6th Digital Interactive Media Entertainment and Arts Conference) In Cooperation with ACM and ACM SIGCHI Lisbon, Portugal 8-11 November, 2011


 Papers Submission Due: 1 June 2011
 Workshop Proposal Submission Due: 15 June 2011
 Late Breaking Results Submission Due: 24 June 2011
 Creative Show Case Submission Due: 24 June 2011
 Tutorial Submission Due: 24 June 2011
 Game Competition Submission Due: 20 September 2011