Book Chapters
- Tim Marsh. 2006. Vicarious experience: staying there connected with and through our own and other characters. Chapter, In: Gaming As Culture: Essays on Reality, Identity And Experience in Fantasy Games. Jefferson, NC: McFarland, pp. 196-214.
- Tim Marsh. 2003. Staying there: an activity-based approach to narrative design and evaluation as an antidote to virtual corpsing, In: “Being There”, Studies on New Technologies and Practices in Communication Series, Amsterdam: IOS Press, Chapter Five, pp. 85-96.
- Cyrus Shahabi, Tim Marsh, Kiyoung Yang, Hyunjin Yoon, Albert A. Rizzo, Minyoung Mun and Margaret McLaughlin, Immersidata Analysis: Four Case Studies, IEEE Computer, volume 40, number 7, pp 45-52, July 2007.
- Shamus Smith and Tim Marsh 2004. Evaluating design guidelines for reducing user disorientation in a desktop virtual environment, Virtual Reality, 8:1, Springer, pp. 55-62.
- Tim Marsh. 2003. Presence as Experience: film informing ways of staying there, Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments, 12:5, MIT Press, pp. 538-549.
- Tim Marsh, Peter Wright and Shamus Smith. 2001. Evaluation for the Design of Experience: Modelling Breakdown of Interaction and Illusion, Journal of CyberPsychology and Behavior, 4:2, pp. 225-238.
Conferences, Workshops and Symposiums
- Tim Marsh, Michael Nitsche, Wei Liu, Peichi Chung, Jay D. Bolter, Adrian D. Cheok. 2008. Film Informing Design for Contemplative Gameplay, ACM SIGGRAPH Video Games Symposium, Los Angeles, USA, ACM Press.
- Eng Tat Khoo, Timothy Merritt, Victor Lim Fei, Wei Liu, Hafizur Rahaman, Janaka Prasad, Timothy Marsh. 2008. Body Music: Physical Exploration of Music Theory. ACM SIGGRAPH Video Games Symposium, Los Angeles, USA, ACM Press. *2nd Best Paper Award
- Tim Marsh. 2007. Informing Design and Evaluation Methodologies for Serious Games for Learning, Learning with Games 2007, Sofia Antipolis, France.
- Tim Marsh, Kiyoung Yang, Cyrus Shahabi and Seon Ho Kim. 2006. Immersidata Management and Analysis For Game Development and Assessment For Staying There, Digital Interactive Media Entertainment & Arts (DIME-ARTS 2006), Bangkok, Thailand.
- Tim Marsh, Kiyoung Yang and Cyrus Shahabi. 2006. Game development for experience through staying there. ACM SIGGRAPH Video Games Symposium, Boston, USA, ACM Press.
- Tim Marsh, Shamus Smith, Kiyoung Yang and Cyrus Shahabi. 2006. Continuous and Unobtrusive Capture of User-Player Behaviour and Experience to Assess and Inform Game Design and Development, 1st World Conference for Fun ‘n Games, UK.
- Marsh T., Wong W.L., Carriazo E., Nocera L., Yang K.,Varma A., Yoon H., Huang Y-L, Kyriakakis C, Shahabi C. 2005. User Experiences and Lessons Learned from Developing and Implementing an Immersive Game for the Science Classroom. In: Proceedings of HCI International 2005, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.
- Marsh T., Yang K., Shahabi C., Wong W. L., Nocera L., Carriazo E., and Kyriakakis C. 2005. Automating the Detection of Breaks in Continuous User Experience with Computer Games. In: Proceedings of CHI’05 Human Factors in Computing Systems, Extended Abstracts, Portland, OR, USA, ACM Press.
- Yang K., Marsh T., Mun M. and C. Shahabi. 2005. Continuous Archival and Analysis of User Data in Virtual and Immersive Game Environments, The 2nd ACM Workshop on Capture, Archival and Retrieval of Personal Experiences (CARPE’05), Singapore.
- Tim Marsh, Kiyoung Yang and Cyrus Shahabi. 2005. Vicariously there: connected with and through our own and other characters, In: Proceedings of the AISB 2005 Virtual Social Characters Symposium: Empathic Interaction Theme, University of Hertfordshire, UK, pp. 115-121.
- Tim Marsh. 2003. Staying There: Experience of Use and Experience from Use, 1st International Digital Games Research Conference, Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA), University of Utrecht, The Netherlands.
- Tim Marsh. 2001. Presence as Experience: Framework to Assess Virtual Corpsing, Paper presentation given at: Presence 2001: 4th International Workshop on Presence, Philadelphia, USA.
- Peter Wright, John McCarthy and Tim Marsh. 2001. From Usability to User Experience, British HCI Workshop on “Computers and Fun 3”, York, UK, December 2000, Interface, 46, Spring, pp. 4-5.
- Tim Marsh and Shamus P. Smith. 2001. Guiding user navigation in virtual environments using awareness of virtual off-screen space. In: Proceedings of Guiding Users through Interactive Experiences: Usability Centred Design and Evaluation of Virtual 3D Environments, Germany: Springer-Verlag, pp. 149-154.
- Tim Marsh and Peter Wright. 2000. Using Cinematography Conventions to Inform the Design and Evaluation of Virtual Off-Screen Space, In: Proceedings of AAAI 2000 Spring Symposium, “Smart Graphics”, SIGGRAPH/Eurographics, Stanford, CA, USA, pp. 123-127.
- Tim Marsh and Peter Wright. 2000. Maintaining the Illusion Of Interacting Within 3D Virtual Space, Paper presentation given at: Presence 2000: 3rd International Workshop on Presence, Delft, The Netherlands.
- Tim Marsh. 2000. Evaluation for the Design of Experience, Paper presentation given at: 1st International Workshop on Narrative Interactive Learning Environments (NILE), Edinburgh, UK.
- Timothy Marsh. 1999. Evaluation of Virtual Reality Systems for Usability, In: Proceedings of CHI’99: Human Factors in Computing Systems, Extended Abstracts, Pittsburgh, USA, ACM Press, pp. 61-62.
- Tim Marsh and Peter Wight. 1999. Co-operative Evaluation of a Desktop VR System, In: Proceedings of British HCI Workshop on User Centered Design and Implementation of Virtual Environments, University of York, UK, pp. 99-107.
- Timothy Marsh and Peter Wright. 1999. Articulation of Spatial Information: 3D shapes, Visual Representations and Interpretations, Mark Altom and Marian Williams (eds), Springer Verlag, 1999.
- Tim Marsh, Peter Wright, Shamus Smith, and David Duke. 1998. A Shared Framework of Virtual Reality, Proceedings of 5th UK-VRSIG, Exeter, UK.
- Smith Shamus, Tim Marsh, David Duke and Peter Wright. 1998. Drowning in Immersion, Proceedings of 5th UK-VRSIG, Exeter, UK.
- Smith Shamus, David Duke, Tim Marsh, Michael Harrison and Peter Wright. 1998. Modelling Interaction in Virtual Environments, Proceedings of 5th UK-VRSIG, Exeter, UK.
- Timothy Marsh. 1998. An Iconic Gesture is Worth More Than A Thousand Words, IEEE Information Visualisation, London, UK, IEEE Computer Society.
- Timothy Marsh and Alan Watt. 1998. Shape Your Imagination: Iconic Gestural-Based Interaction, IEEE Virtual Reality Annual International Symposium, Atlanta, GA, IEEE Computer Society.
Ph.D Thesis
- Towards Invisible Style of Computer-Mediated Activity: Transparency and Continuity. Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Group, Department of Computer Science, University of York, United Kingdom, Unpublished Ph.D Thesis, July 2002.
Invited Talks
- “Beyond video games: serious, experimental and pervasive games”, 6th Asia-Europe Art Camp, Ludic Times | The Art of Gaming, in connection with International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA 2008), Singapore, July 2008.
- “Integrating Living, Learning & Discovery Through Serious Games”, University Town Workshop, IDMI, NUS, Singapore, April 2008.
- “Human-Computer Interaction for Emerging Media Design”, CONVERGENT SPACE: Bridging the Physical and Virtual, Workshop, IDMI, NUS, Singapore, Feb-Mar 2008.
- Invited Advisor/Reviewer at the Robots 2.0 Workshop, IDMI, NUS, Singapore, March 2008.