Roshan L. Peiris (Postgraduate Research Scholar)

(NGS Scholarship, PhD student)

Accepted/Published papers

Book Chapters

  • Adrian David Cheok, Roshan Lalintha Peiris, Charith Lasantha Fernando, Owen Noel Newton Fernando, Roger Thomas Tan, Janaka Prasad Wijesena, Hooman Samani, “Metazoa Ludens” ,  Art and Technology, Springer(Accepted for publication)
  • Adrian David Cheok, Roshan Lalintha Peiris, Charith Lasantha Fernando, Owen Noel Newton Fernando, Khoo Eng Tat, “Energy and touch-information for body-worn ubiquitous computing” ,  Art and Technology, Springer (Accepted for publication)
  • Adrian David Cheok, James Keng Soon Teh, Charith Lasantha Fernando, Roshan Lalintha Peiris, Yongsoon Choi, Thuong Vuong, Sha Lai, Jayanth Vasudevan, Annett Schirmer, Ranjith Vijayakumar, Timothy Robert Merritt, Ben Xinyao Wong, May Oo Yin, “Huggy Pajama”,  Art and Technology, Springer,  Art and Technology, Springer (Accepted for publication)
  • Adrian David Cheok, Timothy Merritt, Owen Noel Newton Fernando, Yukihiro Morisawa, Roshan Lalintha Peiris, Charith Lasantha Fernando, Isuru Sawbagya Godage, Anusha Indrajith Withana, Nancy Lan-Lan Ma,Chamari Priyange Edirisinghe, Nimesha Ranasinghe, Kenning Zhu, Miyuru Dayarathne, Makoto Danjo, Marc Tuters, Dilrukshi Abeyrathne, Michelle Narangoda, “Cute Interactive System”,  Art and Technology, Springer (Accepted for publication)


  • Roger Thomas Kok Chuen Tan, Adrian David Cheok, Roshan Peiris, Vladimir Todorovic, Hui Cong Loi, Chiu Weng Loh, Dung Thi Khanh Nguyen, Janyn Yin Ping Sen, Elvin Zhiwen Yio, Tan Bing Siang Derek. Metazoa Ludens: Mixed Reality Interactions and Play for Small Pets and Humans: Leonardo Journal, Vol. 41, No. 3, June 2008, Pages 308-309
  • Wei Liu, Keng Soon Teh, Adrian David Cheok, Roshan L. Peiris, Athanasios V. Vasilakos Charissa Lim Mei-Ling and Yin-Leng Theng: Internet-enabled and Ambient Intelligent Tangible User Interfaces for Distance Learning that Combine Art and Technology. International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, Vol. 5, No. 1, January-March 2009, Pages 51-77
  • Adrian David Cheok, Roshan Lalintha Peiris, Charith Lasantha Fernando, Owen Noel Newton Fernando, Khoo Eng Tat: Energy and Touch-Information for Body-worn Ubiquitous Computing. International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy Vol. 7, No.2, 2009, 137-166.

Conference Papers

  • Cheok, A. D., Abeyrathne, D., Edirisinghe, C. P., Fernando, O. N., Godage, I. S., Hoogendoorn, K., Hou, J., Karunanayaka, K., Narangoda, M., Peiris, R. L., Ranasinghe, N., Teh, J. K., Thang, W. W., Zhu, K., Danjo, M., Dayarathna, M., Fernando, C. L., Ma, N. L., Morisawa, Y., and Withana, A. I. 2009. Petimo: children’s companion for safe social networking. In ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2009 Art Gallery &  Emerging Technologies: Adaptation (Yokohama, Japan, December 16 – 19, 2009). SIGGRAPH ASIA ’09. ACM, New York, NY, 80-80.
  • Roshan Lalintha Peiris∗, Adrian David Cheok, James Keng Soon Teh, Owen Noel Newton Fernando, Mili Tharakan, Kris Hoogendoorn, Wen Yingqian, Andre Lim, Pan Yi 2009. AmbiKraf: An embedded non-emissive and fast changing wearable display. In proceedings of Interactive Tokyo (Tokyo, Japan, October 24, 2009). iTokyo ’09.
  • Cheok, A. D., Fernando, O. N., Fernando, C. L., Zhu, K., Withana, A.I., Ranasinghe, N., Morisawa, Y., Karunanayaka, K., Danjo, M., Godage, I. S., Narangoda, M., Ma, N. L., Dayarathna, M., Peiris, R. L., Teh, J. K. S., Abeyrathne, D., Edirisinghe, C. P., Hoogendoorn, K., Hou, J., and Thang, W. 2009. Petimo: Children’s tangible social networking platform. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (Athens, Greece, October 29 – 31, 2009). ACE ’09. (Poster accepted for publication)
  • Cheok, A. D., Fernando, O. N., Fernando, C. L., Zhu, K., Withana, A.I., Ranasinghe, N., Morisawa, Y., Karunanayaka, K., Danjo, M., Godage, I. S., Narangoda, M., Ma, N. L., Dayarathna, M., Peiris, R. L., Teh, J. K. S., Abeyrathne, D., Edirisinghe, C. P., Hoogendoorn, K., Hou, J., and Thang, W. 2009. Petimo: Children’s tangible social networking platform. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (Athens, Greece, October 29 – 31, 2009). ACE ’09. (Creative Showcase accepted for publication)
  • Peiris, R. L., Cheok, A. D., Teh, J. K., Fernando, O. N., Tharakan, M., and Hoogendoorn, K. 2009. AmbiKraf: An embedded non-emissive and fast changing fabric display. In Smart Textile Salon 2009, Prototype Exhibition (Ghent, Belgium, September 25, 2009).
  • Peiris, R. L., Cheok, A. D., Teh, J. K., Fernando, O. N., Yingqian, W., Lim, A., Yi, P., Polydorou, D., Ong, K. P., Tharakan, M., and Hoogendoorn, K. 2009. AmbiKraf: an embedded non-emissive and fast changing wearable display. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2009 Emerging Technologies (New Orleans, Louisiana, August 03 – 07, 2009). SIGGRAPH ’09.
  • Teh, J. K., Cheok, A. D., Choi, Y., Fernando, C. L., Peiris, R. L., and Fernando, O. N. 2009. Huggy pajama: a parent and child hugging communication system. In Proceedings of the 8th international Conference on interaction Design and Children (Como, Italy, June 03 – 05, 2009). IDC ’09. ACM, New York, NY, 290-291.
  • Cheok, A. D., Fernando, O. N., Fernando, C. L., Zhu, K., Ranasinghe, N., Narangoda, M., Godage, I. S., Peiris, R. L., Teh, J. K. S., Edirisinghe, C. P., Karunanayaka, K., Merritt, T., Abeyrathne, D., Hou, J., Thang, W., Morisawa, Y., Dayarathna, M., Withana, A.I., Ma, N. L., and Danjo, M. 2009. Petimo: safe social networking robot for children. In Proceedings of the 8th international Conference on interaction Design and Children (Como, Italy, June 03 – 05, 2009). IDC ’09. ACM, New York, NY, 274-275.
  • Owen Noel Newton Fernando, Adrian David Cheok, Tim Merritt, Roshan Lalintha Peiris, Charith Lasantha Fernando, Nimesha Ranasinghe, Inosha Wickrama, Kasun Karunanayaka (2009): Babbage Cabbage: Biological Empathetic Media, VRIC Laval Virtual Proceedings, April 22-26, 2009, Laval, France. pp. 363-366.
  • Tim Merritt, Adrian David Cheok, and Owen Noel Newton Fernando, Roshan Lalintha Peiris, Charith Lasantha Fernando, “Empathetic Biological Media,” Proc. CHI’09 Wkshp. on Programming Reality: From Transitive Materials to Organic User Interfaces, Bostan, USA, April 2009 (Presented and to be published)
  • Teh, J. K., Cheok, A. D., Peiris, R. L., Choi, Y., Thuong, V., and Lai, S. 2008. Huggy Pajama: a mobile parent and child hugging communication system. In Proceedings of the 7th international Conference on interaction Design and Children (Chicago, Illinois, June 11 – 13, 2008). IDC ’08. ACM, New York, NY, pp 250-257
  • Roger Thomas Kok Chuen Tan and Adrian David Cheok and Roshan Lalintha Peiris and Imiyage Janaka Prasad Wijesena and Derek Bing Siang Tan and Karthik Raveendran and Khanh Dung Thi Nguyen and Yin Ping Sen and Elvin Zhiwen Yio. Computer Game for Small Pets and Humans ICEC, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 4740, pp. 28-38, Springer, 2007.
  • James KS Teh, Adrian D. Cheok, Roshan Peiris, T. Vuong, Lai Sha, Yongsoon Choi, Novel interfaces for social and tangible interaction between remote persons, Workshop proceedings, ISMAR 2007, Mixed and Augmented Reality, 2007. IEEE/ACM International Symposium on, Nov. 2007, pages 33-35
  • N. D. Amarasinghe, R. L. Peiris, E. L. De Silva, G. K. A. Kumara, S. Kumarawadu, and J. P. Karunadasa, “Practical design considerations of a low cost variable speed drive,” in Information and Automation, 2006. ICIA 2006. International Conference on, 2006, pp. 355-360
  • S. Kodagoda, E. A. S. Hemachandra, P. G. Jayasekara, R. L. Peiris, A. C. De Silva, and R. Munasinghe, “Obstacle detection and map building with a rotating ultrasonic range sensor using bayesian combination,” in Information and Automation, 2006. ICIA 2006. International Conference on, 2006, pp. 98-103.

Magazine Articles

  • Adrian David Cheok, Roger Thomas Tan, Owen Noel Newton Fernando, Roshan Peiris, Janaka Prasad, and Janyn Sen Yan Ping, “Metazoa Ludens,” AXIS: Tokyo’s AXIS Center for Design, Vol 130,pp 36, December 2007.
  • Babbage Cabbage – featured in the NUS Annual Report 2008 (pg. 45)
  • Babbage Cabbage – featured in the NUS Website Research Gallery under title “Cabbages can warn us of danger”

Demos and Exhibitions

  • Petimo: children’s companion for safe social networking. In ACM SIGGRAPH ASIA 2009 Art Gallery & Emerging Technologies: Adaptation (Yokohama, Japan, December 16 – 19, 2009). SIGGRAPH ASIA ’09
  • AmbiKraf: An embedded non-emissive and fast changing fabric display. In Digital Content Expo Exhibition (Tokyo, Japan, October 20-25, 2009).
  • Petimo: Children’s tangible social networking platform. At the International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (Athens, Greece, October 29 – 31, 2009). ACE ’09. (Creative Showcase)
  • AmbiKraf: An embedded non-emissive and fast changing fabric display. In Smart Textile Salon 2009, Prototype Exhibition (Ghent, Belgium, September 25, 2009)
  • AmbiKraf: An embedded non-emissive and fast changing wearable display at the  SIGGRAPH 2009 Emerging Technology Demos (New Orleans, Louisiana, August 4-6, 2009). SIGGRAPH ’09.
  • Petimo: Safe Social Networking Robot for children at the  8th International Conference on Interaction design and children in Como, Italy, June 3 – 5, 2009. IDC ’09.
  • Huggy Pajama: A Parent and Child Hugging Communication System at the International Conference on Interaction design and children (Como, Italy, June 3 – 5, 2009). IDC ’09.
  • “Babbage Cabbage”, demonstrated at the Laval Virtual Revolution 2009 under the “Welcome” catergory  in Laval, France April 2009
  • “Metazoa Ludens” selected and demonstrated as one of the top 100 inventions of the year at the Wired NextFext in Los Angeles, USA in September 2007

Important local Demos and Exhibitions

  • “AmbiKraf” demonstrated for H. E. the President of Singapore S. R. Nathan during the official opening of NUS-Keio CUTE Center on the 12th September 2009.
  • “Metazoa Ludens” displayed for the IDM Steering Committee including distinguished guests Dr. Tony Tan Keng Yam, former Deputy Prime Minister and Co-ordinating Minister for Security and Defence of Singapore, Dr Vivian Balakrishnan Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports, and Second Minister for Information, Communications at Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore in January 2008
  • “Huggy Pajama” displayed for the IDM Steering Committee including distinguished guests Dr. Tony Tan Keng Yam, former Deputy Prime Minister and Co-ordinating Minister for Security and Defence of Singapore, Dr Vivian Balakrishnan Minister for Community Development, Youth and Sports, and Second Minister for Information, Communications at Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore in January 2008

Awards prizes and nominations

  • Babbage Cabbage, nominated for the LAVAL VIRTUAL AWARDS 2009, in the Interfaces and Materials Catergory
  • Babbage Cabbage, Winner of the Laval Virtual Revolution 2009 Competition which honors the world’s finest virtual Reality projects, held in Laval, France April 2009
  • Petimo: Safe Social Networking Robot for children short listed at the Como for Children (C4C) Competition at the  8th International Conference on Interaction design and children in Como, Italy, June 3 – 5, 2009. IDC ’09.
  • Babbage Cabbage, short listed to the top 53 finalists out of 295 entries at the 80+1 “Live Bits”, Ars Electronica
  • Babbage Cabbage, third place at the “Nokia Ubimedia Mindtrek Awards” Tampere University of Technology in Finland
  • Internet Pajama, “Creativity of Warming” award at the “8th International University Creative-in-Action Contest 2007”, December 2007, I-Shou University, Taiwan.
  • Huggy Pajama (Internet Pajama) nominated for LAVAL VIRTUAL AWARDS 2007
  • Huggy Pajama (Internet Pajama) nominated for LAVAL VIRTUAL AWARDS 2007

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