Accepted/Published papers
Book Chapters
- Adrian David Cheok, Roshan Lalintha Peiris, Charith Lasantha Fernando, Owen Noel Newton Fernando, Roger Thomas Tan, Janaka Prasad Wijesena, Hooman Samani, “Metazoa Ludens” , Art and Technology, Springer(Accepted for publication).
- Adrian David Cheok, Roshan Lalintha Peiris, Charith Lasantha Fernando, Owen Noel Newton Fernando, Khoo Eng Tat, “Energy and touch-information for body-worn ubiquitous computing” , Art and Technology, Springer (Accepted for publication).
- Adrian David Cheok, James Keng Soon Teh, Charith Lasantha Fernando, Roshan Lalintha Peiris, Yongsoon Choi, Thuong Vuong, Sha Lai, Jayanth Vasudevan, Annett Schirmer, Ranjith Vijayakumar, Timothy Robert Merritt, Ben Xinyao Wong, May Oo Yin, “Huggy Pajama”, Art and Technology, Springer, Art and Technology, Springer (Accepted for publication).
- Adrian David Cheok, Timothy Merritt, Owen Noel Newton Fernando, Yukihiro Morisawa, Roshan Lalintha Peiris, Charith Lasantha Fernando, Isuru Sawbagya Godage, Anusha Indrajith Withana, Nancy Lan-Lan Ma,Chamari Priyange Edirisinghe, Nimesha Ranasinghe, Kenning Zhu, Miyuru Dayarathne, Makoto Danjo, Marc Tuters, Dilrukshi Abeyrathne, Michelle Narangoda, “Cute Interactive System”, Art and Technology, Springer (Accepted for publication).
- Adrian David Cheok, Roshan Lalintha Peiris, Charith Lasantha Fernando, Owen Noel Newton Fernando, Khoo Eng Tat: Energy and Touch-Information for Body-worn Ubiquitous Computing. International Journal of Energy Technology and Policy (Accepted for Publication).
Conference Papers
- Adrian David Cheok,Owen Noel Newton Fernando, Charith Lasantha Fernando, Kening Zhu, Anusha Indrajith Withana, Nimesha Ranasinghe, Yukihiro Morisawa, Kasun Karunanayaka, Makoto Danjo, Isuru Sawubhagya Godage, Michelle Narangoda, Nancy Lan-Lan Ma, Miyuru Dayarathna, Roshan Lalintha Peiris, James Keng Soon Teh, Dilrukshi Abeyrathne, Chamari Priyange Edirisinghe, Kris Hoogendoorn, Junsong Hou, WeiWang Thang. Petimo: Enhanced tangible social networking companion for children, ACE’09 2009 Poster, Athens, Greece. October 29-31. (Accepted for publication).
- Adrian David Cheok,Owen Noel Newton Fernando, Charith Lasantha Fernando, Kening Zhu, Anusha Indrajith Withana, Nimesha Ranasinghe, Yukihiro Morisawa, Kasun Karunanayaka, Makoto Danjo, Isuru Sawubhagya Godage, Michelle Narangoda, Nancy Lan-Lan Ma, Miyuru Dayarathna, Roshan Lalintha Peiris, James Keng Soon Teh, Dilrukshi Abeyrathne, Chamari Priyange Edirisinghe, Kris Hoogendoorn, Junsong Hou, WeiWang Thang. Petimo: Children’s companion for safe social networking, ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2009 Emerging Technologies, Yokohama,Japan. December 2009 (Accepted for publication).
- Y. Sugiura, C. L. Fernando, A. D. Withana, D. Sakamoto, M. Sugimoto, M. Inami, T. Igarashi, G. Kakehi, and M. Inakage, “An Operation Method of Biped Walking Robot for Entertainment”, ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2009 Emerging Technologies, Yokohama, December 2009. (Accepted for publication).
- ???????????????Tabare A. Gowon?Charith L. Fernando?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????2009?2009? 10?.
- ????????????????Tabare A. Gowon?Charith L. Fernando??? ????????Graphical Instruction for a Garment Folding Robot???????????????????2009?2009?9??
- K. Fukuchi, T. Igarashi, M. Sugimoto, C. Fernando and M. Inami, “Push-pins: Design-by-user Approach to Home Automation Programming”, International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, workshop 5: ArchiBots 2009, ubicomp 2009, Orlando, Florida.
- Yuta Sugiura, Takeo Igarashi, Hiroki Takahashi, Tabare Akim Gowon, Charith Lasantha Fernando, Maki Sugimoto,Masahiko Inami, 2009. Graphical Instruction for A Garment Folding Robot. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2009 Emerging Technology Demos (New Orleans, Louisiana, August 4-6, 2009). SIGGRAPH ’09.
- Adrian David Cheok, Owen Noel Newton Fernando, Charith Lasantha Fernando, Kening Zhu, Nimesha Ranasinghe, Michelle Narangoda, Isuru Sawubhagya Godage, Roshan Lalintha Peiris, James Keng Soon Teh, Chamari Priyange Edirisinghe, Kasun Karunanayaka, Timothy Merritt, Dilrukshi Abeyrathne, Yukihiro Morisawa, Miyuru Dayarathna, Anusha Indrajith Withana, Nancy Lan-Lan Ma, Makoto Danjo, Junsong Hou, Wei Wang Thang 2009. Petimo: Safe Social Networking Robot for children. 8th International Conference on Interaction design and children (Como, Italy, June 3 – 5, 2009). IDC ’09.
- James Teh Keng Soon, Adrian David Cheok, Yongsoon Choi, Roshan Lalintha Peiris, Charith Lasantha Fernando,Owen Noel Newton Fernando, 2009. Huggy Pajama: A Parent and Child Hugging Communication System. 8th International Conference on Interaction design and children (Como, Italy, June 3 – 5, 2009). IDC ’09.
- Owen Noel Newton Fernando, Adrian David Cheok, Tim Merritt, Roshan Lalintha Peiris, Charith Lasantha Fernando, Nimesha Ranasinghe, Inosha Wickrama, Kasun Karunanayaka (2009): Babbage Cabbage: Biological Empathetic Media, VRIC Laval Virtual Proceedings, April 22-26, 2009, Laval, France. pp. 363-366.
- Tim Merritt, Adrian David Cheok, and Owen Noel Newton Fernando, Roshan Lalintha Peiris, Charith Lasantha Fernando, “Empathetic Biological Media,” Proc. CHI’09 Wkshp. on Programming Reality: From Transitive Materials to Organic User Interfaces, Bostan, USA, April 2009
- S.K.C.L. Fernando, H.A. Fonseka, I.S. Godage, J.G.M. Prabath Virtual Mouse: An accelerometer based motion tracking system in Annual Technical Conference 2007 of IET-YMS Sri Lanka, 08th September 2007, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (IEE). Page(s):64 66.
Demos and Exhibitions
- Graphical Instruction for A Garment Folding Robot at the SIGGRAPH 2009 Emerging Technology Demos (New Orleans, Louisiana, August 4-6, 2009). SIGGRAPH ’09.
- Petimo: Safe Social Networking Robot for children at the 8th International Conference on Interaction design and children in Como, Italy, June 3 – 5, 2009. IDC ’09.
- Huggy Pajama: A Parent and Child Hugging Communication System at the International Conference on Interaction design and children (Como, Italy, June 3 – 5, 2009). IDC ’09.
- “Babbage Cabbage”, demonstrated at the Laval Virtual Revolution 2009 under the “Welcome” catergory in Laval, France April 2009.
- Age Invaders, Interactive Tokyo 2006, 15-17th September 2006, Tokyo, Japan.
Awards prices and nominations
- Babbage Cabbage, nominated for the LAVAL VIRTUAL AWARDS 2009, in the Interfaces and Materials Catergory.
- Babbage Cabbage, Winner of the Laval Virtual Revolution 2009 Competition which honors the world’s finest virtual Reality projects, held in Laval, France April 2009.
- Petimo: Safe Social Networking Robot for children short listed at the Como for Children (C4C) Competition at the 8th International Conference on Interaction design and children in Como, Italy, June 3 – 5, 2009. IDC ’09.
- Babbage Cabbage, short listed to the top 53 finalists out of 295 entries at the 80+1 “Live Bits”, Ars Electronica.
- Babbage Cabbage, third place at the “Nokia Ubimedia Mindtrek Awards” Tampere University of Technology in Finland.
- Distinguished GENIUS MEDAL of Hungarian republic for the final year undergraduate project: “Sensor based motion tracking system for Human-Computer interaction”
- SILVER MEDAL at the Salon International exhibition of Inventions 2008, Geneva – Switzerland for the final year undergraduate project: “Sensor based motion tracking system for Human-Computer interaction”.
Submitted and Under Review
- James Keng Soon Teh, Charith Lasantha Fernando, Roshan Lalintha Peiris, Adrian David Cheok, Jayanth Vasudevan, Annett Schirmer, Ranjith Vijayakumar, Timothy Robert Merritt, Andre Jiande Lim, and Yingqian Wen. Huggy Pajama: Remote Mediated Touch Communication System for Parent and Child. IEEE Transactions of Haptics Special Issue: Ambient Haptic Systems.
- Annett Schirmer, Keng Soon Teh, Ranjith Vijayakumar, Darshini Nithianantham, Nicolas Escoffier, Charith Lasantha Fernando, Roshan Lalintha Peiris, Adrian David Cheok. Squeeze Me, But Don’t Tease Me: Human and Cyber Touch Enhance Sensory and Emotion Processing. Science Journal.